While you may know there are different parts of a horse saddle, it can be typical to say they all last the same as the other. While the leather parts may look the same for several years but different materials of the saddle may require changes from time to time.
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In the same manner, when riding a horse with a worn-out saddle becomes difficult, it’s time to make some changes. Among so many parts of a horse saddle, it’s likely to come across saddle shearing that may lose its value very soon. Generally, these features are commonly available in Western saddles to make the rider more comfortable.
Do Horse Saddles wear out?
Yes, it’s likely to say that different parts of a saddle may wear out at different intervals of time. It’s not necessary that your saddle may wear out all of a sudden time, but gradually with continuous usage, different parts like – the horn, tree, stirrups, cantle, seat, cinch, or others may get damaged.
So, in order to ride your horse with utmost comfort, it’s necessary to keep on repairing the worn-out parts. Not only will it be comforting for you, but it will also provide support and safety to the horse as well. Needless to say, most saddle experts advise changing the saddle after every 4 to 5 years. But, if your saddle is of high quality, you can preferably continue using it until it doesn’t break off.
For how long does saddle shearling last?
As stated above, most commonly, you can see saddle shearling being a part of Western horseback riding saddles. They are featured with fluffy, fuzzy, and comforting shearling that is a sheepskin product. However, it’s commonly popular that the majority of the time, the sheepskin that’s used is not of the original quality.
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Hence, as the product used in saddle shearling is not of the best quality, it’s possible for it to degrade quickly. Thus, there will be a requirement to scrap out the uncomfortable part and replace it with new material.
Steps to Replacing a Saddle Shearling
In order to have the best saddle shearling replacement, you must follow these simple steps. On the other hand, you can also take it directly to a saddler and get it changed.
Step 1.
Firstly, you must place the saddle on a dry, open surface. Then, you must turn it over and scrap the old fleece with the help of a razor or any other sharp tool. Ensure you are not cutting leather, and be careful with the tool.
Step 2.
Once the old material is all out, you can rub off the excess residue with the help of a scrubber. Now, you will need a new material to replace the old one. You can contact any supplier that sells the best material at an affordable price.
Step 3.
Here comes the delicate part, you must turn the saddle upside down and, with the utmost care, place the material where it needs to be fix. Majorly, it’s around the area of the skirt that lies underneath the saddle. You can cut the material to stick to the leather and pack the rest.
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Step 4.
After cutting the material, you will be needing leather glue to stick it on the bottom side. Be very careful, as the glue can be quite strong, and you may end up sticking your fingers. So, carefully coat the leather area with glue and then gently place the fleece fabric on that area. Allow it to dry for about 24 hours, and your saddle will be ready to use.
Final Thoughts
If your horse saddle shearling condition is improper, you must replace it with a new one. Though it’s advisable to change and replace the saddle shearling, it also requires skills to place everything rightly. Thus, you can always ask for help from a professional saddler as they know how the proper techniques.
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Written by Horses Saddles
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